Tuesday 3 April 2012

Remembering to Listen

It was no secret that last weeks Rushfit kicked my ass! Compared to the previous week where I actually moved house, last week was worse. Much worse. But yesterday I decided to turn over a new leaf and started listening to the dvd's instead of just going through the motions of the exercises. This involves watching the whole video and listening to the chit chat at the end that I had been ignoring for the past couple of weeks.

The difference is immense because its important to keep in mind, why your putting yourself through this and to remember to keep it in context. When going through the DVD, work out like your life depends on it and know that its only going to last for 30 minutes.

When GSP and the team congratulate each other at the end, congratulate yourself and take on board your accomplishment! The pain and the exhaustion are temporary and the long term effects are not. All those hints are within the DVD's and reinforced throughout.

I am meeting Behar, the nutritionist today to get week 4's results! Fingers crossed the week from hell paid off!

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