Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Smoothie Operator

After work last night a few of us went for drinks for a team members birthday, and although there is a sense of smugness that comes along with watching everyone else get tipsy when you're on the diet coke, it definitely does feel a bit odd and depressing to be the one on the wagon. After a few it got to the stage where I was getting encourage to just drink spirits as they are purer and it will be fine... so I took my leave at around 7pm.

As I headed to bed at 9.30, I knew that today was going to be another one of those make or break situations. With an early morning meeting with the COO to prep for and viewings for my new flat after work meaning I would have to leave early and work through lunch, there was a very small window in which to make this happen! In order to be at my desk no later than 9.15, I needed to be on the bus by 7.15am.

But I woke up at 6.30, got out of bed fairly promptly got ready and gathered my workout clothes from the radiator I was in the kitchen preparing the breakfast smoothie by 7am. On track for another successful day. I threw my smoothie in my workout bag and threw my handbag on top. Not usually a problem.

On arriving at work still hiding behind my sunglasses I was fairly horrified to find said smoothie had escaped from its container and gone all over everything. Panic set in immediately, but not about my Christian Dior handbag.... about my 3 year old tatty workout clothes and the possibility of not getting my workout done, and being late and not prepping for my meeting! Oh how things have changed in ten days.

I am nothing if not dedicated though (and maybe a bit gross), so after clearing up the worst of it, I just rubbed it in and got on with it all be it, a little more damp and fruity than usual!

Another abdominables work out! Knowing what to expect made it a bit easier and much less clumsy but the fact that I have clearly gotten a lot fitter in just a week meant I spent less time missing out reps and more time holding the right positions for longer and with better technique so wow am I feeling it today! Everything is just a little sorer than usual and I am seriously relieved that I have a day off tomorrow! And no, I am still not doing a full extension back bend, because it's not safe!!!!

Take that DAY 10! And the Dior is going to be okay too!

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