Thursday, 8 March 2012

Day 3 - Abdominables!

Well after all of yesterdays complaining and feeling like it was going to kill me, I survived to make it to day 3 - The Abdominal Strength and Core Conditioning workout.

At this stage everything is sore, even my fingers and possibly my veins, and I am exhausted. Not refreshed and full of energy like fitness enthusiasts claim. My shoulders are sore, my neck movements are feeling restricted and I need a massage but I need to wait until payday for that!

But I have eaten properly today... and am confident that I have the energy for this even if I don't have the arms.

During the warmup I am struggling because my shoulders and elbows are sore, walking out to a plank and the pressups are not fun at all and yet again I am questioning my resolve. But this time I got to do the workout in the fitness studio in work and seeing my fat tummy in the mirror is keeping me motivated for now.

Round 1 was fun and reasonably enjoyable, I don't really mind the one legged squats and I feel that the weight actually helps keep you nice and balanced and having the mirror helps to make sure I am keeping my back in the correct position. The dumbbell upper cut is great and GSP reminds you that the power comes from the hips in this movement, it really burns towards the end. The dumbbell sit up is tough though and there is still two rounds to go. The next thing... is hectic.... lying on your back both feet up and then a side twist to each side for a minute, I am comforted by the fact that GSPs feet are all over the place too! Then bicycle... OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!! DONE! Excellent only 4 more to go!

Round 2, starts okay, with a dumbbell swing, but the woodchop is poorly explained and it's hard to tell if it is going well. On to the floor for the next few and now I am starting to feel it!

Round 3. This is where things start to take a turn for the worst. Power situps... glute bridge... leg raises... glute bridge... V-Up... OUUUUCH! But with the speed that is involved in all of these I am not sure I am getting the benefit. The instructions are fast and furious with alternative exercises being suggested mid exercise. There is no time to think about this cos it's time to repeat it all.

Round 4. Championship rounds. I love these guys. Or do I hate them. I don't know.
The next two rounds are brutal, having done Yoga extensively as a teenager, I have a lot of awareness of what is good for your body and what is not and at the moment I am in two minds. Its is not advisable for people who are not physically fit to even attempt some of these movements. A full extension back bend can cause some major neck and back issues and there is no explanation of this in the video. Awareness of potential injury needs to be given more consideration.

Round 5. The hardest round yet. I am massively disappointed by this round as I have a long torso and cannot do the swing through thing and as a result everything got a bit disjointed and I am not feeling the effects.

Cool down and done! YAY!

All in all good but I have my concerns. But I am sweating my ass off, literally, and feel pretty proud of myself that I managed to get through Day 3. In my defence... I didn't watch this in preparation and really need to get to these work outs better.

I get to bed my 9pm and everything hurts but I watch tomorrows DVD and I am actually looking forward to the Stretching for Flexibility workout and a bit of cardio!


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