Okay, so it's been a few weeks since I embarked on my Rush Fit journey of self abuse and absolute agony and what are the results??? Not great. I have put on weight. How much I don't know, but I feel bulkier that I did and things hurt all the time that didn't hurt before. However there is every chance that this is a temporary problem brought on with erratic amounts of exercise and my body is maybe just in a little bit of shock. Anyway, that is not the point. The point is, I feel really bloody fit! My recovery rate is down significantly and my press ups are pretty impressive, even if I do say so my self. But over all I am less happy because I haven't lost weight!
So... what is the plan now? Well, intermediate level of course!!! But this time I seriously need to manage my food intake more effectively. This is a marathon not a sprint and I have learned a lot of lessons from the last time I attempted to become Rush Fit. So from now on, there will be more meal planning and less boozing!
So here we go! One more time from the top!
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